

Adisa is a firm believer in selflessly giving back to the community. His personal ambition is to help his community and the world to be a better place for everyone.

 Besides, theorizing about ways to make life better for his people, Adisa walks his talk by actually getting down to work. His love of community development dates back to the 90s when he used the instrument of student unionism to empower his colleagues in school.

     In 2000, barely 25 years of age, Adisa founded Guildance Community Development Foundation. Even without having any financial support, he dedicated himself to using whatever resources he could get to improve livelihood. It is due to the sheer dint of selfless hard work, vision and competence that the Foundation continues to impact lives until today. Unlike some who go into NGO work to enrich themselves, Adisa for many years has run his foundation using his own financial resources and network